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International Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)


Facebook has over 900 million members and they collect data on every one of them. Facebook’s European headquarters is in Dublin, Ireland which makes them subject to the European law. What should the EU do in order to safeguard individuals’ privacy rights in the face of social media giants like Facebook?​

Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs II (LIBE II)


In the aftermath of the Hungarian Media Act and political abuse of the mass media in Italy: What measures should the EU take to guarantee the freedom of the press in all Member States?




Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL I)


A lost generation? Looking at dramatically high youth unemployment rates with the eyes of the youth:  what kind of short and/or long-term reforms and programmes does the youth itself want to see implemented by the European governments?


Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)


With the existence of a glass ceiling preventing woman from entering higher positions in companies and the limited progress of the self-regulatory measures, what should the EU do in order to break through the glass ceiling and provide equal career chances to both males and females?


Constitutional Affairs (AFCO)


The European Union: to be or not to be? With the current credit crisis, the rise of the Paris-Berlin axis as the primary decision-making mechanism in the Eurozone, and the sluggish and incoherent response which EU institutions have given to recent issues, does it still make sense to aim for one united Europe? Should we cut our losses and restore national sovereignty or are there still reasons to believe that unity makes strength?

Foreign Affairs (AFET)


Following the independence of South Sudan on 9. July 2011 and the recent signs of conflict between the two Sudans. How should the European External Action Service act in order to help make peace a reality in the war-torn region?



​Culture and Education I (CULT I)


United in diversity? With eleven Member States not having ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, how should the EU contribute to the cultural protection of ethnic minorities and their languages while ensuring cultural integration within national states?

Culture and Education II (CULT II)


In the times of deep financial crisis, the cultural sector receives less attention from the governments which shows up in the underfunding of the projects thereto. What should the EU do to awaken the interest of the governments and/or private entities to this area of life?

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)


As environmental awareness and recycling are not well developed in all European Countries, how can the EU use the educational system and other cultural mediums to inform its citizens about the importance of ‘greener’ existence?




Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs I (LIBE I)​


Sexual Education, whilst recognised to be a vital part of well-being, remains diversely implemented in Europe. What principles and what methods should form the basis of a framework for consistent and effective sexual education for all young Europeans?

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